Informal Contemporary Art School
The idea of the school has
evolved conceptually through a major development project by our
organization AllArtNow.
AllArtNow began life in 2005 in
reaction to limiting factors facing artists and other contemporary cultural
practitioners in today’s Syria.
With each project completed we became
convinced of the need and benefits a platform to enable the development of
contemporary art would bring in providing the necessary opportunities for
artists to flourish.
We have succeeded in encouraging artists
to work using contemporary practices, such as video, installation, and
performance. We aim to continue developing new collaborative approaches with
organizations in and outside Syria, where a much greater number of artists are
involved in the production of contemporary art. These opportunities for
cultural exchange will be a vital component in the understanding of visual art
in an international context.
On 2012 we established a major program in
the study of all aspects of contemporary art. This included an intensive focus
on painting, sculpture, installation, mixed media and current conceptual
Arranged chronologically, the course
Background information on the post-war
period (1945-59)
The emergence of art from 1960 to 1970
Contemporary art from 1970 to 1980
Ways of interpreting contemporary art
(example of works produced between 1980 and 2000)
Art in the new millennium; examines
work that has been produced during this vibrant decade, showing the diverse
influences and motivations that have influenced it.
The aim of the school is to
make artists aware of the wide array of approaches in art during the period
1960 to the present and the reasons for it.
the help of teaching staff this form a solid base in the development of a
student’s own critical position, their ability to research and contribute to
clear and involved discussion.
AllArtNow is always open - to help artists work and to encourage
dialogue on a local and international level. We believe that by laying these
important foundations we can improve the current ecology of the arts in Syria
and criticize the Fine art faculty who refused till now the contemporary art.
<-- studio 1